Aranygaluska is dumplings, often served with vanilla custard. It was the first time when I tried it with vanilla custard and actually I liked it. The cream softens the dumplings and is in harmony with the golden walnut-covered dumplings.
Let's see what we need:
- almost a half of yeast (nem egészen egy fél csomag élesztő) which we run up in milk and sugar
- 9-10 oz of flour (liszt) (25-30 dkg liszt)
- 5 oz of melted margarine (15 dkg olvasztott margarin)
- 2 eggs (tojás)
and a little more of flour for the kneading
We will also need :
- 9 oz of grained walnuts mixed with sugar and vanilla sugar (25 dkg darált dió)
- and a little of vegetable oil (növényi olaj) in which we will put the spoon to rend the doughs
Grained walnuts mixed with sugar and vanilla sugar |
Now, we dip a tablespoon into the vegetable oil. With this spoon we rend small pieces from the dough then put them into grained walnuts.
Cover the doughnuts well in walnuts then put them into the casserole, one after the other, as you can see below. When the first "floor" is full, start a new one, just putting the doughnuts right on the top of the first row.
We bake it for 40-45 minutes. To tell you the truth, I don't know the exact heat but be sure to bake it till it gets golden brown.
You can serve it with or without vanilla custard. If you prefer it with cream, then cook a pudding with more milk than usual.
And here is the result. Looking delicious, isn't it?
Try it at home and be careful not to get addicted to this crumb of heaven!
See you next week!