First of all, I would like to thank you following this blog. I've reached the number of 400 readers, which is a great number if you consider that it's only a school-project blog. Nevertheless, today is my mother's birthday. I would like to thank her all the love and help that she gives me every day. Without her, this blog couldn't exist. So, happy birthday, Mom!
This week, you will get familiar with csokis-almás, which is one of my mother's specialities. This cake's main ingredients are chocolate and grained apple. Their mixture is just fabulous as the cake melts in your mouth.
Since this cake is rather complicated, I would list the ingredients separately, as it's easy to lost track.
Let's begin with:
7 oz of margarine (20 dkg margarin)
11 oz of flour (30 dkg liszt)
1 egg (tojás)
2 tablespoons of sugar ( evőkanál cukor)
1 baking soda (sütőpor)
This will give you enough dough for two layers.

Knead all the ingredients together and let them rest for half an hour. It should look like this
Divide the dough into two equal halves. Roll the fist piece of dough until it's about 1/8 inch (3mm). Repeat the same action after putting the filling on the first layer of dough.
Lay the first layer in a baking pan in which you had put greaseproof paper before.

Now, it's filling-time! :)
You'll need:
5 grained apples (alma)
7 oz of sugar (20 dkg cukor)
4 yolks (tojássárgája)
1 tablespoon of bitter cocoa-powder ( keserű kakaópor)
5 oz of grained walnuts (15 dkg dió)
1/2 of a pocket of baking soda ( sütőpor)
1 vanillasugar ( vaníliás cukor)
the foam of 4 egg-whites (tojásfehérje)
Mix everything together. Then add the foam. Pay attention not to break it.
Mix it with wide moves.
Now, put the mixture on the first layer into the baking pan.

Before baking, twinge it with a fork, so that the vapour could come out.
After it is baked, glaze it with chocolate.
You'll need:
3 tablespoons of bitter cocoa powder (kakaópor)
1 oz of sugar (3 dkg cukor)
5 tablespoons of water (víz)
2 oz of butter (5 dkg vaj)
Cook the sugar and the water on a slow fire, with continous stirring. Then add the cocoa powder. When it boiled, leave it cook for another 3-4 minutes. Taking it off from the fire, mix it with butter. Leave it to cool but stir it sometimes. Then glaze the cake.
And last but not least, enjoy it!
Oh, I've almost forgotten, Happy Easter!
See you next week! :)