Sunday, April 7, 2013

When you have guests, bake kókuszkocka

Kókuszkocka is one of the easiest and simplest sweets that you can bake if someone stops by. It is a sponge-cake glazed in chocolate and rolled in coconut raspings. Try it and fall in love!

 At home, we bake it at Easter time, as guests like to have something not so creamy, as the cream can fall on their pretty shirts. The flavors perfectly complete each other. Moreover, you can bake it with your children or family members because it is fun to deep the sponge-cake into the liquid chocolate then roll it in the coconut raspings. Of course, it can make a hell of a mess; so, put something under the working area, for example old newspapers.

And now, let's see what we need:

 For the sponge-cake:

6 eggs (tojás)
6 tablespoons of flour (evőkanál liszt)
6 tablespoons of sugar (evőkanál cukor)
1 vanilla sugar (vaníliás cukor)
1 sprinkle of salt (csiper só)
1 packet of baking soda (sütőpor)

For the chocolate glazing:

4 oz of dark chocolate (10 dkg keserű csokoládé)
1 deciliter of cream (tejszin)
 2 oz of butter (5 dkg vaj)

And coconut raspings.

Churn 6 yolks with 6 tablepsoons of sugar and with the vanilla sugar. In a bowl, mix the fluor with the baking soda. Add salt to the egg-whites, then beat hard foam of them.

Pour half of the flour on the yolks, mix it, then add the other half of the flour, too. When you add the foam, be cautios not breaking it. With wide moves, mix the dollop. If you break the foam, your sponge-cake will be flat.

Pour the dollop into a baking pan that you had greased before with margarine and bestrewed with flour. Bake it until it gets auburn.

Here is the result:

Making the glaze is easy-peasy. Break the chocolate into pieces. With the cream and with the butter melt it above steam.

When the sponge-cake is half-cool, cut it into dices.

Put the dices on a fork and deep them into the chocolate glaze. 

Then roll them into coconut raspings. 

Now, you are ready to taste your own creation!
It's nice, it's tasty. So, what are you waiting for? :)


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